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Contest: Challenge Contributes

Concurso Desafío Aporta

The Value of the Data for the agri-food, forestry and rural sectors

Hasta el jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019 a las 23:59

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Desafío Aporta

Desafío Aporta

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food collaborates with the contest "Desafío Aporta: The value of the data for the agri-food sector, forestry and the rural environment", launched by the Public Business Entity Red.es, a contest with which ideas will be rewarded and prototypes based on open data.

The contest is part of the Digitalization Strategy of the Agroalimentary and Forestry Sector and the Rural Environment, directed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in collaboration with other administrations. Criteria such as the innovative character, the economic impact and its contribution to improving the quality of life of young people and women are valued.


Desafío Aporta seeks to promote talent, technical competence and creativity in the reuse of open data, with the aim of devising solutions that help promote improvements in the agri-food and forestry sector, and in rural areas.

The ideas and prototypes presented must use at least one source of open data generated by Public Administrations, whether national or international, and published under an open license. These data sets may be combined with others from various sources, public or private, and national or international.


The Challenge Aporta is aimed at individuals and legal entities of the European Union.


The prizes will consist of an economic award to the three selected prototypes.

First classified: € 4,000

Second classified: € 3,000

Third place: € 2,000

The contest will be developed in 2 phases:

Phase I: Ideas competition. Participants must provide a detailed description of an original idea that can serve to create or enrich a service, study, web application or mobile, which leads to improvements for the agri-food and forestry sector, and the rural environment. All the ideas will be valued with criteria such as: their innovative character, their economic and social impact, and their contribution to improving the quality of life of young people and women, two fundamental groups for the survival of the sector. After the evaluation process, they will be selected the 10 best ideas whose authors will go to Phase II.

Phase II: Development of prototypes and face-to-face exposure. During Phase II, the authors of the 10 selected ideas will elaborate a prototype that may consist of simulations, visualizations, videos or multimedia solutions. Of these, the best three will be selected according to criteria such as ease of use or technical quality.



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