
10 Tips on How to Be a Better Entrepreneur in 2014

By Lawton Ursrey

Publicado por LauraSL
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014 a las 22:26

The start of a new year is a great time to put our work habits under a microscope, toss the ideas that haven't been working and put new action into play. Each year has its lessons, so it's always good to reflect on what you've learned and optimize the knowledge for the coming year.


Below are 10 tips on how entrepreneurs can start 2014 on the right foot.


1. Confront and work on your challenge areas. Knowing your strengths is easy. Facing and fixing your weaknesses can sometimes create inaction in all of us. But to grow, it is important to make this change.


There are a billion "I can't" reasons and most are founded on nothing but fear -- many times we are simply standing in our own way.


Related: New Year's Resolutions from 10 Young Entrepreneurs


Use 2014 to pinpoint and build up the areas that are challenging you. Classes are great, but as entrepreneurs we need action now. Be proactive by turning to the internet. Look for information, articles, mentors and online tutorials for help.


2. Blend work-life and personal life. Professional life and personal life can be horrible counter weights to each other, creating an imbalance. Scrap the balancing act. Focus on what you're passionate about and maintain your intention to have more of it in your life.


For 2014, look for quick and convenient ways to blend personal life and professional life into a healthier lifestyle that works better for you, the people you love and your job. Honestly, if you add value it doesn't matter how the job gets done.


3. Let apps do the hard work. What's taking up your time? There's probably an app for it. Let it do the work. For instance, Cardmunch is awesome. It automatically converts business cards into contacts with a click of a button. Or 1Password stores all your logins and passwords in a safe, easy to access place. If you find a task taking up too much time, see if there is a tool that can make your life easier.


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