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EIT Community Booster - Scaling New European Bauhaus ventures


Hasta el viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2021 a las 23:59



Publicado el miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021 a las 10:19

Launched by the European Commission, the European New Bauhaus translates the European Green Pact into a tangible and positive experience in which all Europeans can participate and progress together. With this in mind, the EIT Community Booster is set to identify and support startups and scaleups that integrate the three core dimensions of the European New Bauhaus:

  • Sustainability
  • Aesthetics
  • Inclusion


Fostering the transformation of the New European Bauhaus, the EIT Community is looking for the most innovative companies driving sustainable change for cities, industries, climate, food, wellbeing and overall quality of life to support their business growth and help them become international game changers.

Building on the New European Bauhaus initiative launched by the EU Commission to enable the Green Deal transformation, the EIT Community is on a mission to identify the most innovative companies driving sustainable change for cities, industries, climate, food, wellbeing and overall quality of life.

Apply for one of the programmes offered by the leading European innovation communities EIT Climate , EIT Digital , EIT Food , EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility and get the support you need to scale your business!


Startups or scaleups developing innovative solutions that make Europe more sustainable, inclusive and improve citizens' quality of life.


The 20 best companies will receive acceleration support services for a total value of EUR 1 million.


The application deadline for all programmes is 17 December 2021. You can apply for one or more of the programmes.


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