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European Research and Innovation Days 2024


20 and 21 March 2024

Comienzo: el miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024 a las 18:00

The European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

This fifth edition of the event will take place on 20 and 21 March 2024 both physically in Brussels and online, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.

The R&I Days 2024 will give you the opportunity to debate how we can make Europe more sustainable and competitive and will celebrate the outcomes and achievements in research and innovation over the last 40 years, since the launch of the first R&I Framework Programme.

It’s your chance to discover successful EU-funded R&I projects, experience their impact on our society and debate about the importance of keeping investing in R&I. You can find out more on:

  • Horizon Europe, including the Strategic Plan 2025 – 2027 and its Widening Instrument
  • the R&I support to Green and Digital transition
  • its Global Approach
  • the EU Missions
  • and many other topics.

Join us to discuss and shape the future of research and innovation!

More information about the programme, the sessions and the speakers will be available soon.

DATES: From march 21 and 22, 2024

PLACE: In Brussels and online 

2.411 visitas

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