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Alternative solutions for post-harvest rot control that are residue-free and completely eliminate the use of water challenge

jueves, 09 de noviembre de 2023

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Water is a scarce and increasingly limited resource. Saving water at all points along the value chain is a fundamental objective in the agricultural sector. Currently, the vast majority of post-harvest treatments for the curative control ef rot in fruits and vegetables are applied using waterbased methods andior leave residues of synthetic pesticides on the produce. Additionally, when the application method involves water, waste water is generated from these treatments, which contains these pesticides, posing an environmental problem if net managed properly. To control rot in the post-harvest stage of fruits and vegetables, extending their shelf life, while also saving water and achieving a more natural product, the goal is to definefdevelop solutions that prevent the growth of post-harvest fungi without using water and without leaving residues of synthetic pesticides on the produce.


Obtain a post-harvest rot control solution that is as universal as possible (effective against any pathogenfruit pair), with efficacy equivalent to that of current treatments with chemically synthesized fungicides. This solution should be based on technologies that do rot require the use of water in their application and do rot leave pesticide residues on the fruit.

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