
European Investor Connect 2012

Cleantech Open runs the international and accelerator event at Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Comienzo: el jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012 a las 14:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012 a las 21:00


Alava Technology Park

Hermanos Lumière, 11




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European Investor Connect 2012

European Investor Connect 2012

On 18 and 19 October the Cleantech Open European Investor Connect will be held in the Alava Technology Park. An international forum where the European Cleantech Open winners of the regional finals meet, international investors, business angels and leading companies in the Clean Technologies sector, will have a great interact opportunity.

A high performance workspace to create an opportunity where some 40 innovative projects can become known to a group of the best investors, all of them with a proven track record in financing Clean Technology projects.

The aim is to establish a network of contacts among entrepreneurs, investors, and large corporations at European level, without leaving the US market. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact during two days and create an ecosystem venture at European and international level, to establish lasting and profitable business relationships.

Attendees will enjoy a broad range of activities programmed for these two days: seminars, investment forums, networking and relaxation activities.

European Investor Connect will allow startups to meet the key actors in the field and establish valuable connections, as well as meeting the speakers and prestigious experts participating in the work sessions.

For investors, this event is an opportunity for getting to know the most technologically advanced projects in the clean technology sector being developed in Europe right now.


·· More information

European Investor Connect

Cleantech Open

→ If you wish to participate, contact by: [email protected]

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