
    Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento Alicante | Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento | EmprenemJunts

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    Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento is the public-private project that covers all entrepreneurial ecosystem agents of Valencia with the aim of stimulating innovative entrepreneurship throughout the region.


    Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento project consists of a main event that year after year has become the largest gathering of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Valencia; and different territorial dynamic events, which develop throughout the year in different parts of the country, by entities to support entrepreneurship and SMEs.


    Since 2006 with Day of the Entrepreneur, the event has evolved both in concept and in its format. Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento is therefore the result of a natural transformation that has been developing over the last 11 years.


    Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento 2016 will take place on November the 3rd, 2016, and will be held at Las Cigarreras Cultural Centre in Alicante. This is the first year the main event is moved to the province of Alicante and initiates the territorial rotation according to which next year will be held in Castellón and the following, in Valencia.


    The thematics around which revolve programming Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento are: Production and Emerging Sectors, Social Economy and Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurship and Business Growth Opportunities and Europe. There will also be 4 transversal themes: Financing, Internationalization, Innovation and Equality.


    Focus Pyme y Emprendimiento is promoted and organized by the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial de la Generalitat Valenciana (IVACE) under the Conselleria de Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball, in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de Alicante and the Network of European Business Innovative Centres (BICs) of Valencian Region (Elche, Castellón and Valencia).

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