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EIC STEP Scale Up scheme

Ofering financial support in the form of investments to startups, SMEs, and small mid-caps, between EUR 10 to 30 million

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Programa EIC STEP Scale Up

Programa EIC STEP Scale Up

The EIC STEP Scale Up scheme is part of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP), offering financial support in the form of investments to startups, SMEs, and small mid-caps, between EUR 10 to 30 million. 

Its goal is to scale-up  innovation in Europe's strategic technology sectors, particularly in quantum technologies and semiconductors, thereby enhancing the EU´s economic and technological competitiveness. The EIC Step Up scheme will catalyze larger funding rounds, amplifying the impact of the initial investment.

  • Total 2025 budget of EUR 300 million.
  • Minimum investment EUR 10 million, maximum EUR 30 million in 2025.
Scope of innovation
  • Digital and Deep Tech: Includes semiconductor, AI, quantum, advanced connectivity, sensing, robotics, and autonomous systems.
  • Clean Technologies: Focus on net-zero solutions like solar, wind, battery storage, geothermal, hydrogen, biogas, carbon capture, nuclear, and circular economy.
  • Biotechnologies: Includes critical medicines, DNA/RNA, proteins, cell engineering, gene vectors, bioinformatics, and nanobiotechnology.
Extensive support

Access  Business Acceleration Services (BAS):

  • Access to global partners 
  • Access to coaches, mentors, expertise and training
  • Access to innovation ecosystem and peers

A STEP Seal for companies that meet the evaluation threshold, facilitating access to additional funding programs and investors.


Who can apply?
  • A single SME or small mid-cap (up to 499 employees) established within a Member State or an Associated Country.
  • An investor may submit a proposal on behalf of an eligible SME or small mid-cap as defined above,

Note: This scheme targets companies seeking major funding rounds, requiring proof of initial market interest from a qualified investor covering at least 20% of the total target funding round,

How to apply?

You can apply anytime via the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Deadline date: 16 December 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time

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