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International Day of Women Entrepreneurs

Día de la mujer emprendedora

Friday 19 November 2021

el viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021 de 10:30 a 12:00

The origin of the International Day of Women Entrepreneurs was born in 2014 at the United Nations Council. This international body established this day in the international calendar as a date to recognise the efforts and courage of women entrepreneurs.


To raise awareness in society about the obstacles and difficulties that exist in the current business and financial ecosystem for women who want to become entrepreneurs. Likewise, this day also aims to continue contributing to the empowerment of women in the world and to put an end to the gender inequalities that are still latent in the business world.


10:30 Institutional welcome

10:40 Women Entrepreneurs Day. Moderated by Lola Bordás Dolz, CEO of Founders.

10:45 Consuelo Cáceres Lozano Senior Technician of European Projects of the FINNOVA Foundation (EU), specialist in Equality plan and promoter of Women4Tech Liberia

10:50 Natalia Cediel Cediel - Communication and Institutional Relations Officer CirCoAX by CircularInnoBooster

10:55 Maria José Valero #TechovationGirlsCV & CEO Talent Growth Management (for business & people)

11:00 Carolina Lechado Fariña - Women StartUp Europe Awards

11:05 Marta Castander Gotor - Senior Expert in Loyalty, Tourism & Transport/ Business Development, Strategic Marketing/ Project Management

11:05 Round table discussion with speakers What can we do?

11:30 Institutional closing

11:40 DIALOGUE What are we going to do? Moderated by Charo Coll CMO Founders


It will take place on 19 November 2021 and the event will be online.


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