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Local Conference on Renewable Energies 2018

Conferencia Energías Renovables 2018

Urban transformation to a circular economy

Comienzo: el miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018 a las 08:30
Finaliza: el viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018 a las 18:00


Historisches Kaufhaus Freiburg

Münsterplatz 24


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Más información e inscripciones

The city of Freiburg, the city of Basel and ICLEI Europe are pleased to invite you to the local 2018 renewable energy conference.

Increasing global energy needs remains a major challenge, as cities and regions are central players in making energy safer, cleaner and more sustainable. To move from a linear economy to a circular economy, there is a growing need to take advantage of renewable resources, including energy.

The conference will address the following key issues:

- How can we guarantee that the global energy targets are met, including the Paris Agreement 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN?

-What is the potential of the circularity of local renewable energies?

- What transformation is needed in the cities to move to a circular economy? And how will the circular economy shape the transformation?

- How can we manage the transformation of a linear economy to a circular economy?

-What investments are needed and what are the financing options?

- How can relevant actors, such as citizens, public authorities and the private sector participate in urban transformation?

Join the main cities and they learn, political decision makers of European and national governments, companies, research institutions and financing of the 9th edition of the Local Renewable Series. It will build on the success of previous conferences and will show practical and innovative examples of how to reduce the use of resources and energy, and will make an ideal use of energy sources and other resources in the region.

DATE: From October 24 to 26, 2018

PLACE: Freiburg (Germany) with a study trip to Basel (Switzerland).

1.931 visitas

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